CSM Remnant   Prayer  Wall

Welcome to the CSM Remnant PrayerWall ! Our Wall2Wall intercessors are standing with you and will guard each request in prayer. Please be mindful of a few things as you share your requests:

1. Tell us the scripture your are standing on.

2.Come back to share your praise reports as well.

3.Join us in praying for others

4.Be careful about sharing sensitive details on this public portal (e.g., you may consider omitting the full names of others). You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below.,

I prayed for this

Prayed for 8 times.

Prophetess Maria Ibery

Pray for J “ a Pastors

Son who’s

Trial for DUI was last Friday

It caused a fetal accident where the passengers got out the car to see the damage then he was hit and killed by on going traffic.

Pray for early release for good behavior

Standing on Psalms 90:17 -Favor

Psalms 91 - Protection.

Pray for adult children of the saints.

Many are leaving the faith and turning to other gods.

Witchcraft and perversion has come into the life’s of the adult Children. Let cut it at the root. There is power in unity and numbers.

2Corn 10:4-5


He was looking at 14 years and they gave him 3 After three judges and the last one was a Christian.

Received: July 13, 2024

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