CSM Remnant   Prayer  Wall

Welcome to the CSM Remnant PrayerWall ! Our Wall2Wall intercessors are standing with you and will guard each request in prayer. Please be mindful of a few things as you share your requests:

1. Tell us the scripture your are standing on.

2.Come back to share your praise reports as well.

3.Join us in praying for others

4.Be careful about sharing sensitive details on this public portal (e.g., you may consider omitting the full names of others). You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below.,

I prayed for this

Prayed for 2 times.

Lola McIntosh

I m asking you all to prayer for my cousin oh Tx Tiny , whose is requesting prayer for her husband for 31 yrs are now being told that he will be going on hospice care. Praying for healing for Her husband Charles and comfort and strength for both Tiny and Charles. Isaiah 53:5 psalms 107:20 psalms 118:17

Matt 11:28 Nehemiah 8:10 Isaiah 26:3

I am requesting prayer for myself. direction. I know God is shifting me. I pray his perfect will be done in my life.

Where he lead I will follow.

Open new effective doors. Let there be road blocks where there’s hindrance and distractions to my destiny. As I wait in his presence.

Teach me how to rest as I trust him for his Devine plan.

Prov 3:5-6 psalms 37:4 Hebrews 4:1 no fear 2 Tim 1:7

Received: July 9, 2024

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