My turning point was one Sunday morning as I sat in the balcony fighting within myself about going up to the altar. As I struggled to get up, the enemy reminded me that I had a run in my stockings and I should not move. Somewhere in the midst of that struggle and with tears running down my eyes, I found myself in front of the church giving my life to Christ. Then, God connected me with this powerful woman of God, Cassandra Scott, an amazing woman who pushed me out of the boat and into my purpose. My life has not been the same, since that great day. I have had many turning points in my life. I am now a Co-pastor in the body of Christ, a prayer line visionary, entrepreneur, and a better wife, and mother. I give God all the honor and the glory for my turning points.
Sometimes you can appear to have it all, but not be fulfilled in your heart. That was my story when my angel—Cassandra Scott—came into my life. I was in a place where I felt emptiness that was hard to describe and hard to understand. I didn’t feel good about myself. I felt unfulfilled where I was in my life. I began to cry out to God Who heard me and inclined His ear unto me. His answer was packaged in the person of Cassandra Scott and the opportunity of Mary Kay Cosmetics.
My incredible journey with Cassandra Scott Ministries began in June 2010. It has proven to be an amazing journey that has taken me directly into the heart of God’s chosen people. I’m not just referring to people who pray, but those who have a strong desire to pray.
Dr. Cassandra Scott is a true embodiment of a Woman of God. I’ve had the great fortune of knowing and being under her powerful, persuasive and Spirit-filled tutelage since 1998. Without reservations I know that she is my Spiritual Mother who has poured into me through word, seed and deed.
My life forever changed by the prophetic word that was released,… completely unaware of the plan of God unfolding,… Minister Don approached me and our history has begun swiftly! We were engaged July 2015 and married by October 2015 – the first marriage entirely produced by the Created2Produce Prayer Line!
“As the founding Director of the Tribe of Benjamin, three other Tribes were birthed out in multiplication, expansion, enlargement and increase on the CSM Prayer Line: Tribe of Dan, Tribe of Ephraim, Tribe of Benjamin 2nd generation all to the Glory and Honor of our Great King!”
What touched me most was something Dr. Scott said that first day,
‘Don’t die with your gifts inside you. YOU ARE CREATED2PRODUCE!
There is a scripture for every need in your life to stand on, don’t just pray….pray the word of God concerning your needs! His promises are Yay and Amen, believe what God says about you!
“We met through Dr. Cassandra Scott’s connection; we fell in love and are now married Jan 2018!”
“After 4 miscarriages and never wanting to be disappointed again, we were connected to Dr. Cassandra. She prayed for us; we conceived and gave birth.”
“Dr. Cassandra told me I was “Created 2 Produce!” Now, I’m breathing into the lives of others in “Take God as your Business Partner,” a weekly leadership and prayer call.”
It has been a blessing to travel with Cassandra Scott Ministries to: Prayer Regional Summits; Circling The City; 24 Hour Prayer Watch on the line; Prayer Walks; City Hall; Debt Cancellation Services; and other events, including when Pastor C received her Doctorate back in 2010! I have made divine connections in ministry that afforded me the opportunity to minister the Word in several different states, and in the ministry of dance – all from being connected to the “cluster.”
Multiple visions and ministries became ONE VISION, ONE PURPOSE. The convergence and synchronization of the movement of the Tribes has been divinely connected and our steps have been ordered by God to expand.
I will forever be indebted to Pastor C and the ministry for their prayers, support and love. During my time I truly was “Training for Reigning.”
The prayer line became a “lifeline” for me. I had my own church home, but in that season I needed the prayer line and the women that I met to help me to begin to live again.
Prayer brought us together and prayer has kept us together. We have been fruit that has lasted. Only GOD who is consumed with involving Himself in the details of our lives could have orchestrated this union.
I had sentenced myself to a place of isolation to be free of my personal failures, hard life lessons, ministry mistakes and the rejection suffered in communities I expected would nurture and embrace me as I developed as a person, as a professional and as a servant. It was in that moment, I experienced my TURNING POINT (Romans 4:1-3 MSG) as I shifted from shadows to the light – from a place where I thought my voice would never again be heard to a place where I could press through the pain and speak up for myself. This happened because a loving, kind and maximizing leader like Pastor C acknowledged the parts of me that were dying.
It was not until I fell in love with Christ in the early 90’s that I would come to know Pastor Cassandra Scott as the woman of God that would become a constant reminder of glorious milestones in my life. God has used her to draw me intensely close to Him.